首页 河南专升本 2016年河南专升本专业英语考试真题阅读理解(1)


作者:吴印祺专升本 分类:河南专升本


Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some
questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices
marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the
corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.

My love of nature goes right back to my childhood, to the times when I stayed
on my grandparent’s farm in Suffolk. I think it was my grandmother who
encouraged me more than anyone: she taught me the names of wildflowers and
got me interested in looking at the countryside, so it seemed obvious to go on to
do Zoology at university.

I didn’t get my first camera until after I’d graduated, when I was due to go
diving in Norway and needed a method of recording the sea creatures I would find
there. My father didn’t know anything about photography, but he bought me an
Exacta, which was really quite a good camera for the time, and I went off to takemy first pictures of sea anemones(海葵)and starfish(海星). I became keen very
quickly, and I learnt how to develop and print.I’ve tried from the beginning to produce pictures which are always biologically
correct. There are people who will alter things deliberately: you don’t pick up
sea creatures from the middle of the shore and take them down to attractive pools
at the bottom of the shore without knowing you’re doing it.There can be a lot of ignorance in people’s behavior towards wild animals and it’s a problem that more and more people are going to wild places: while some
animals may get used to cars, they won’t get used to people suddenly rushing up
to them. The sheer pressure of people, coupled with the fact there are
increasingly few places where no one else has photographed, means that overthe years, life has become much more difficult for the professional wildlife

Nevertheless, wildlife photographers play a very important part in educating
people about what is out there and what needs conserving. Although photography
can be an enjoyable pastime, as it is to many people, it is also something that plays
a very important part in educating young and old alike.31. The author decided to go to university and study Zoology because .

A. she wanted to improve her life in the countryside
B. she was persuaded to do so by her grandmother
C. she was keen on the natural worldD. she wanted to stop moving around all the time

32. How is the author different from some of the other wildlife photographers she

A. She tries to make her photographs as attractive as possible.B. She takes photographs which record accurate natural conditions.
C. She likes to photograph plants as well as wildlife.D. She knows the best places to find wildlife.

33. The author now finds it more difficult to photograph wild animals because .

A. there are fewer of them

B. they have become more nervous of people
C. it is harder to find suitable placesD. they have become frightened of cars

34. According to the author, wildlife photography is important because it can
make people realize that .

A. photography is an enjoyable hobbyB. we learn little about wildlife at schoolC. it is worthwhile visiting the countryside
D. it is important to look after wild animals

35. Which of the following describes the author?A. Proud. B. Sensitive. C. Aggressive. D. Disappointed.

