首页 河南专升本 2001年河南专升本英语真题


作者:吴印祺专升本 分类:河南专升本


Part II.Reading Comprehension(30%)

Direction:Each of the passage below is followed by five question. For each question there are four answers marked a,b,c,and d.Choose the best answer to each of the question and tick it off on the ANSWER SHEET

Passage 1

Over the last twenty years, the English language has become the nearest thing to an international language for the world. Since 1960 there has been an increase of 40% in the people using English, so that it is now estimated that approximately 350 million people speak English as there first language, and about the same number of people speak it as their second language. It's the language of aviation(航空) with pilots being trained in English so they can understand flight controllers at international airports across the world. It's the language of sport with many international rules and commentaries(评论) being written and given in English. It's also the language of pop music because it rhymes easily and the words are short. And moat popular music groups come from America or England. In addition,75% of the world’s mail is written in English;60% of the world’s radio stations now broadcast in English. Forty-four countries have English as their official language. In fact nowadays, if you are thinking of expanding your business outside of your own country, there is a strong chance that you will conduct that business in English. You'll be at a disadvantage if you don't speak it.

26.What is the passage mainly about? a. the importance of English in the world b. the number of the world's radio stations broadcasting in English c. the number of people speaking English d. English as a language of pop music

27.How many people speak English as their second language? a. 250 million b. 100million c. 350 million d. 400million

28.Why is English the language of sport in the world? a. Because a large number of Americans love sports b. Because the rules for international games are written in English. c. Because the international games are often held in America. d. Because the Americans write the rules for the international games.

29.What does the word "conduct" mean? a. carry out b. carry through c. carry over d. carry on

30.What is the number of the countries which have English as their official language?

a. 60 b. 75 c. 44 d. 45

Passage 2

Today, supermarkets are found in almost every large city in the world. But the first supermarket was opened only fifty years ago. It was opened in New York by a man named Michael Cullen. A Supermarket is different from other types of stores in several ways. In supermarkets, goods are placed on open shelves. The customers choose what they want and take them to the check-out counter(付款台).This means that fewer employees are required than in other stores. The way products are displayed(陈列) is another difference between supermarkets and many other types of stores. For example, in supermarkets, there is usually a display of small inexpensive items just in trout of the check-out counter: candies, chocolates, magazines, cheap books and so on. Why are they there?

Most customers who go to a supermarket buy from a hopping list. They know exactly what they need to buy. They shop according to a plan. By the time they reach the check-out counter, the customers are feeling pleased and relaxed because the task of shopping is finished. In this happy mood, the customers see an attractive display of inexpensive goods that were not on their shopping Lists. Now they feel like buying something just for their own pleasure and enjoyment. Many customers buy from these displays of products near the check-out counter, and this is exactly what the owner of the supermarket hopes they will do.

Another important fact in helping a customer choose what to buy is where a product is placed on a shelf. A product that is placed at eye level on a shelf sells much better than one which is placed on a lower or higher shelf. A product which is easy to see sells best. Manufactures pay a higher price to have their products placed at eye level on the shelves. The comfort and convenience of shopping centers is another factor which makes them popular with customers. Large parking spaces are provided, and many supermarkets stay open until very late at night.

31.According to the passage, which statement is NOT true? a. The first supermarket was opened only half a century ago. b. A supermarket is different from other kinds of stores in two ways. c. The first supermarket was opened in New York. d. Today supermarkets are found almost every big city.

32.A product that is placed______ sells best. a. as high as one's eyes b. as high as one's waist c. on a lower shelf

d. on a higher shelf 33.According to the passage, which statement is true?

a. Supermarkets need more clerks than other stores. b. In supermarkets goods are placed on closed shelves. c. The customers prefer supermarkets to other kinds of stores.

d. The customers pay any clerk they meet for what they have bought in supermarkets. 34.Why do you think shopping centers attract more customers than other kinds of stores?

a. They have large parking lots and they stay open until almost midnight. b. They have more kinds of goods. c. They have few employees. d. They display small inexpensive items in front of check-out counters.

35.According to the way small inexpensive items ate displayed, we can infer that the owner of a supermarket has a good knowledge of_____

a. physiology b. biology c. psychology d. biophysics

Passage 3

How men first learned to invent words is unknown, in other words, he origin of language is a mystery All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other, and the later they agreed upon certain signs called letters, which would be combine represent those sounds and which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.

The power of words, then lies in their associations---the things they ring up before our minds. Words become filled with meaning for us by experience;and the longer we live,the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past;and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.

Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also a press these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions This charming use of words is what we call literary style.

Above all the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men I tears. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.

36.The origin of language is_____ a. a legend handed down from the past b. a question difficult to answer c. a problem not yet solved d. a matter that is hidden or secret

37.One of the reasons why men invented certain words to express thought and actions was that______

a. they could communicate with each other b. they could agree on certain sings c. they could combine them

d. they could write them down 38.The real power of words exists in their_____

a. properties b. peculiarity

c. characteristics d. representative function 39.In expressing their thoughts, great writers are able______

a.to confound the readers b.to move men to tear

c.to move us to action d.to confuse our feelings 40.Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true?

a.His style is always charming. b.His poems can move men to tears. c.He is no more than a master of words. d.He can convey his is ear in words which sing like music.
